Saturday, March 11, 2006

Books on My Desk

Not exactly procrastination, this post isn't exactly what I'm supposed to be doing either. We could view it as just another thing on my 'to-do' list. So really, I'm being productive here.

With school and other commitments I have found writing and reading, other than for school, have been relegated to the very very bottom of an ever increasing priorities list. My joys are being shafted. But one fantabulous thing that has come from being in English is that I get the opportunity (excuse?) to read many books in every vein of bookdom. I've been thinking lately, if happiness can be measured in the sheer number (let alone quality) of books one person has read, that the number of books and authors go past my desk and my eyes in even one month makes me a happy girl - a lucky girl.

Anyways, coursewear material aside, here's a list of the books sitting on my desk currently in some stage of being processed.

Monday in the Promised Land - Novel by Gish Jen (1997)
Bone - Novel by Fae NG (1993)
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Novel by Oscar Wilde (1891)
Hawthorne's View of the Artist - Critical essays by Millicent Bell (1962)
House of Seven Gables - Novel by N. Hawthorne (1851) *A very pretty edition by Riverside Press Cambridge from 1900
Selected Tales and Sketches - Short stories by N. Hawthorne (1837) *An awesome collection (Kara - very Poe-esque)
The Blithedale Romance - Novel by N. Hawthorne (1852) *I liked this one alot.. a bridging book if you read in the Romantic tradition OR you're familiar with Victorian british lit
Long Ago - Poetry by Michael Fields
The Dream Class Anthology - Short stories by selected Toronto highschoolers in the 80's
Fireworks - A collection of essays on Women in Writing
Wordscapes - An collection of work by B.C youth
But where are you really from - Anthology by Hazelle Palmer (1997) *An exacting and needed text
Celebrating Canadian Women - Prose and Poetry *Published in 1989 this book is actly why Hazelle Palmer's book is necessary. Good writing; definately blinded
Pens of Many Colours - An anthology of Canadian writing ** Why is this on my desk??
Successful Marriage - essays by 20 doctors on the best way to date, marry, have children and generally be successful. written in the late 1940s this book scare me. bought it for 3 dollars at the YMCA. Awesome find
Humanism and Democratic Criticism - Edward Said ** I fear that I will become a Said follower... everyone should read this book READ IT
To the Friend Who Did Not Save My Life - Hervie Guibert *who's interested in AIDS lit? this book looks great...
Autobiography of Red - A Modern Greek tale in poetry by Anne Carson *made me a fan
Masculine Migrations - Essays by Daniel Coleman *the new vein of feminist thinking... men are different says Coleman *Good book!
Dictee - Indescribable mind-blowing text by Teresa Cha
Canadians are Not Americans: Myths and Literary Traditions - By Morrison

Ack. That was less than half. But the list has served to help me remember that I actually have to do something with those books - instead of just interacting with them at my leisure. So I'm off.

Anyone read those books or are interested in reading them? I have a whole library card thing worked out for my books ;).

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