Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Kara, I hope that you are bearing with me; you're not bored by my blog are you? Maybe it's time to focus on a specific theme. Or figure out why things I find interesting are also so boring to so many ppl.

This post was supposed to be an observation and a comment on my December 9th post about how I use writing everyday to maintain my sanity. I think that I was still in shock then - which is not to say I may not be in it now, it seems to be one of those things you can only say for sure in retrospect, but that I definately was then. Now my notebooks are full of angry scribbling in which I write the words 'madness' and 'anger' and occaisionally 'tear/blood/rip/choking' over and over again. Senseless and yet cathartic. Definately not poetic but raw and simple. It is like that in my head and I can't move beyond it. I guess I am stuck in what Frye would call the 'third level of language.' I wonder how this paper is going to turn out.

Currently I am reading several books: Frye's The Educated Imagination (A fabulous Book) and Secular Scriptures (interesting but not as fun). I was also given George R.R. Martin's A Storm of Swords to read by a customer of mine and although I couldn't really get into the previous books I'm going to give it another go because he enjoyed it so much (Which reminds me that I gave my other Martin books to a certain ass - grrr. Now I want them back.) I should stop now... I am actually in the middle of several books...

I am also actively on the prowl for poetry by Ezra Pound (the poet that Andrew dislikes so greatly) and Wallace Stevens. I've wanted to read Stevens for some time now. And of course the ever significant Blake is still on my to do list. I love poetry because you can carry it a poem at a time. Everything is neat and simple yet can be so complex.

What are you reading?/hoping to read? etc.


kmac said...

Wow, there was a lot in that post, but I'll answer your question. I'm reading The Theif of Time by Terry Pratchett! It's very pratchett-y full of desitny and DEATH and the DEATH OF RATS.

I felt that after reading 3 non-fictions in a row, it was time for a little fun and complete untruth.

I also have Dictee still around. I read it in fits and starts. Most of my reading happens in the 15-20 mins between two things, poetry seems to require my attention in order to hit something, so I make slow progress when I can.

kmac said...

Are you disappointed in me for not being more of a poetry connaisseur? I like to read stuff I can be critical of (in a negative way, as in "Oh, they should have done it like this, that would have been way better" I'm such an ass) and poetry is something I can't seem to do that to. It's not confined my logic, thus it is my enemy.

M. said...

lol - is that how you judge ppl as well? Damn, I probably do fit into your logic b/c I am so damn predictable. I feel that my habits and tendancies have changed only minimally since forever. If anything I read to find things that confirm things that I think/see/believe. I'm sure that the reading changes me as well but my habits seem unchanged.

And NO I am not disppointed in your lack of poetry appreciation. I think the position and function of that type of writing has changed HUGELY over the past 100 years. So it's all good. I'm sure that its reputation of inaccessibility is one of the things that drew me to it. Then it became a puzzle.

P.S. I love Pratchett. I'm a nerd but I'll admit it. I have even gone as far as getting illustrated copies of his "Guards" series... tee hee

M. said...

i mean 'confirm' and challenge. That way I can think of an argument (using the fallacies of yours) supporting my pov. hehe.

M. said...

When do you become sophisticated? Is it good to produce sophisticated writing? Or to be a sophisticated reader? Is this even possible? Is it elitest and meaningless? Or meaningful because of that?

I've written (and said in my head) "sophisticated" so many times now that i'm not sure if it's a real word now.

kmac said...

Um, the fact that you're worried about sophisticated MEANS you're a sophisticated reader/writer.

I also think sophisticated can sometimes be code for elitist, etc. but it doesn't always mean that.

M. said...

no. yoooooou're a sophisticated reader.

kmac said...

Excuse me? I don't think I've ever written a 10 page analytic page on a piece of writing. I'm a sophisticated criticizer which is totally different.

You can read something an instantly understand the themes and hidden meanings, that's totally sophisticated. You're also really smart, which totally helps.

M. said...

i'm blushing...but I'm choosing to believe that you are not just stroking my ego. Now to use my powers for good...